Shaping Sustainable Futures | CrAFt’s Final Event

Dato start: 06-03-2025 10:00
Tid intervall: 6.-7. mars
Plass: Brussel

CrAFt’s final event will culminate three years of work on local collaborative governance models across European cities, viewed through the New European Bauhaus (NEB) lens.

The event will take place on 6 and 7 March 2025 in Brussels and is organised in collaboration with the European projects NEBULACrAFtAEGIR and INGUMA.

The event will focus on presenting the findings and results of these four projects and provide their own views on the future of the New European Bauhaus and sustainable cities. Among other topics, we will share results and lessons learnt on how:

  • The New European Bauhaus is taken up by municipalities.
  • Clusters can drive innovation for sustainable construction across Europe,
  • Renovation can become more sustainable, beautiful and inclusive,
  • Digital tools and education can help implement the New European

More information here



Direktør – Gunnar Selvik 
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+32 (0) 460 94 1393

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