EU Open Data Days

Dato start: 19-03-2025 13:30
Tid intervall: 19.-20. mars
Plass: Luxembourg / Online

This event, organised by the team at, the official portal for European data, aims to promote the harnessing of open data's power and will bring together data providers, enthusiasts, and re-users from Europe and beyond.

Whether you’re part of the private sector working as a data publisher, a data analyst, or a public policymaker, an academic, or even just a passionate advocate for open data, this event is for you

  • Success stories & best practices: Hear first-hand experiences from the front lines of European data policy and the work involved in the compilation of high-value datasets, discover insights on data reuse in business models and the new frontiers of AI.
  • Challenges & solutions: Learn to navigate the challenges of open data, with perspectives from publishers and users.
  • Visualising impact: Explore how data visualisation is reshaping communication, policymaking, and citizen engagement.
  • Data literacy: Unlock the full potential of open data through skill-building and innovative initiatives.

Register here



Direktør – Gunnar Selvik 
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+32 (0) 460 94 1393

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