BlueInvest Day 2025

Dato start: 05-03-2025 14:00
Tid intervall: 5.-6. mars
Plass: Brussel

Since its inception in 2018, BlueInvest Day has been the flagship event for the European Union's Blue Economy community. In 2025, we are proud to host the 8th edition of BlueInvest Day across two days, showcasing the best of innovation, investment, and sustainability in the Blue Economy.

This year, we are expanding the scope of the event to offer more networking opportunities, an enhanced pitch competition format, and a fresh focus on impactful initiatives.

On day 1, we invite you to follow some some targeted breakout sessions, such as sector specific workshops and a networking session, while on day 2, we deepdive into the main conference with keynote speeches, panels, pitch session and high-level networking opportunities. 

Register here



Direktør – Gunnar Selvik 
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