Online COST Info Day 2025

Dato start: 18-02-2025 15:34
Tid intervall: 10:00-11:45
Plass: Brussel / Online

This online info session is open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers. The aim is to inform the research community on how to participate in COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of the COST offer.

Registration is required via an online form:

Webinar/streaming here

Programme overview
10:00 | Welcome | COST Governance Officer
10:05 | Introduction about COST | Director of the COST Association
10:20 | How to participate in a COST Action? How to submit an application? | COST Science Officer
10:50 | Which activities are funded? | COST Administrative Officer
11:05 | What are the benefits of participating in COST? | COST Action representative
11:25 | Q&A
11:40 | Closure of the session



Direktør – Gunnar Selvik 
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