
Photo of the Oslo Fjord during sunset with a swan in frontPhoto of the Oslo Fjord during sunset with a swan in front
Photo: Ingrid Aas / Afk


Akershus aims to be an environmentally friendly, sustainable, modern and innovative region with euqal opportunities. It has an international commitment that helps realise the county's targets, and the ORE membership is one of several means. Akershus cooperates with other European regions and partners in areas such as transport, climate, environment and business development.

Contact Akershus

Martine Bonarjee

+47 32 30 00 00
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Contact Akershus

Rune Alexander Bakkevoll

+47 32 30 00 00
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Photo of snowy forest overlooking townPhoto of snowy forest overlooking town
Illustration: Canva (AI generated)

Buskerud County

Buskerud is a diverse county consisting of urban areas, villages and hamlets, and several natural and cultural resources. Tourism, technology and industrial innovations are valuable assets. Buskerud is active in: Euromontana, the North Sea Commission, Interreg and ORE. 

Contact Buskerud

Johanne Meyer

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Photo of snow landscape during sunsetPhoto of snow landscape during sunset
Photo: Cherry Laithang / Unsplash

Innlandet County

Innlandet County is Norway's largest forest county. The county is involved in European networks and projects aiming to strengthen business and society, and participates in several EU programs. International focus areas include bioeconomy, tourism, cyber and information security, and gaming technology.

Contact Innlandet

Turid Wullf Knutsen

+47 93 04 81 23
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Photo Herøya industrial park with trees and fjord in the foregroundPhoto Herøya industrial park with trees and fjord in the foreground
Photo: Hanna-Hekkelstrand / Tfk

Telemark County

Telemark's international strategy makes it easier for both public entities and private actors to enagage in international projects and opportunities. The county's international initiatives include participation in member organisations for cooperation and networking, using EU programmes to build knowledge and develop services, and promoting these programmes.

Contact Telemark

Dawn Marie Freund

+47 90 68 12 87
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Contact Telemark

Lars Haukvik

+47 90 06 82 50
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Photo view of Sandefjord city centrePhoto view of Sandefjord city centre
Photo: Judita Jurkenaite / Vfk

Vestfold County

Contact Vestfold

Ann Christin Jordbakke

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Photo of rocky coast Photo of rocky coast
Photo: Christian Berset / Øfk

Østfold County

Østfold county emphasizes on good education, public transportation, dental health and voluntary work. Østfold holds some of the most important companies in the country with a rich and innovative business sector. The county works to coordinate the public health in close coordination with the municipalities. Internationally, Østfold participates in projects like TREASoURcE, MODI and MOVE21 which is supported by Horizon Europe.

Contact Østfold

Thomas Hansen

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Contact Østfold

Magnhild Bruun

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Director – Gunnar Selvik 
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+32 (0) 460 94 1393

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